Rockahock Campground 1428 Outpost Rd, Lenexa, VA, United States

BMW Motorcycle Club of Hampton Road invites you to join us for our annual BMW Motorcycle rally. Our rally site is the Rockahock Campground just a little north of Williamsburg and just outside of the Historical Triangle of VA. Many wonderful historical sites (Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Yorktown) are close by with great riding roads. We… Continue reading BMWMCHR Rally

Ride to Mama Kwan’s

Mama Kwan's 1701 S Croatan Hwy, Kill Devil Hills, NC, United States

Roger Gill will be leading a ride to Mama Kwan's in Kill Devil Hills on Saturday. We will be meeting at the Golden Corral, 2324 Chesapeake Square Ring Road, Chesapeake, VA 23321, at around 9:45 with ksu at 10:00 am. GPX File:

Ride to Cypress Creek

Cypress Creek Grill 113 Water Street, Elizabeth City, NC, United States

Roger Gill is going to lead a ride to the Cypress Creek Grill in Elizabeth City on Saturday 11/12.  He will meet anyone interested at our normal meeting spot, Golden Corral 2324 Chesapeake Square Ring Rd Chesapeake VA 23221.  Meet at 10:00am with ksu at 10:15am. Download the GPX file for the ride:

Ride to Elements Coffee Shop

Golden Corral 400 S Independence Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA, United States

Roger Gill will be leading a ride to Elements Coffee Shop in Columbia NC on Saturday 11/19.  He will be meeting anyone interested at the Golden Corral, 2324 Chesapeake Square Ring Rd, Chesapeake, VA, 23321 at 9:30am with KSU at 9:45am. Download GPX Route File

BMWMCHR Christmas Party

Steve Radcliffe’s Residence 421 Yancy Ct, Chesapeake, VA, United States

Please bring a side dish to share and a White Elephant gift to exchange. Each attendee can bring one or more gifts (should be wrapped, under $20, and motorcycle related). Baked goods are acceptable if related to some shape on a motorcycle.

Annual New Years Day Ride

Golden Corral 400 S Independence Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA, United States

Bring in the new year with a ride to Blackstone VA!  We are going to the Herb Cottage via back roads.  We'll meet at the Golden Corral 2324 Chesapeake Square Ring Rd Chesapeake, VA  23321 with ksu at 9:00am.  The Ride is approximately 130 miles out and will take 3.5 hours to get there. Download… Continue reading Annual New Years Day Ride

Valentines Post Office Ride

BP 460 2872 Pruden Blvd, Suffolk, VA, United States

It's that time of year to go the extra mile and show the one's you love that you really care, and of course get a motorcycle ride in.....  We are riding out to the Post Office in Valentines VA to post our missives to those that are special in our lives.  Bring your cards and… Continue reading Valentines Post Office Ride

Ride to Elements Coffee Shop

Golden Corral 400 S Independence Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA, United States

Sunday is going to be too nice to not ride.....  So since I missed Roger's ride to Elements Coffee Shop in Columbia, NC no better excuse to ride it on Sunday.  We'll be going down the west side of the dismal swamp on the back roads.  Meet at the Golden Corral on the Ring Road… Continue reading Ride to Elements Coffee Shop

Lunch at the Bier Garden

Bier Garden 438 High St, Portsmouth, VA, United States

So it's getting warmer, we hope, and the spring riding season is right around the corner.  We ride German motorcycles and it's time to get a little taste of the Fatherland.....  Come join us for lunch, libations, and conversation at the Bier Garden in downtown Portsmouth.

Ride to Blue Petes

Golden Corral 400 S Independence Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA, United States

After the Sunday club meeting we'll be taking a ride to Blue Pete's in Pungo. GPX File Download