Latest Past Events

Valentines Post Office Ride

BP 460 2872 Pruden Blvd, Suffolk

It's that time of year to go the extra mile and show the one's you love that you really care, and of course get a motorcycle ride in.....  We are riding out to the Post Office in Valentines VA to post our missives to those that are special in our lives.  Bring your cards and… Continue reading Valentines Post Office Ride

BMWMCHR Bike Night at 3 Amigos

3 Amigos 500 Battlefield Blvd S, Chesapeake

Come out tell stories, check out bikes, and get some chow.

January Club Meeting / Breakfast

Golden Corral 400 S Independence Blvd, Virginia Beach

General meeting for club members and guest (every 1st Sunday of month) at Golden Corral - Come earlier (between 8 AM - 9 AM) for breakfast. Park in back and look for meeting room set aside for group. Join us for club ride afterwards