Ride to Merrior
3101 Lynnhurst Blvd 3101 Lynnhurst Blvd, Chesapeake, VA, United StatesXmas ride up to Topping for lunch. KSU @ 11:00am Route GPX: https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/0e18Fl6O2ZuhMkjvOjbGZTkkA#Merroir_
BMW Motorcycle Club of Hampton Roads
Get out and Ride!
Xmas ride up to Topping for lunch. KSU @ 11:00am Route GPX: https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/0e18Fl6O2ZuhMkjvOjbGZTkkA#Merroir_
Come out for a ride and tell some tall tales.
Riding up to Charlie’s, Williamsburg / Jamestown Airport, for their Pancake Breakfast. Meeting at park and ride lot in Smithfield corner of Rt10 and 258. KSU at 8:00.
Our spring event at Penmerryl works out to be Memorial Day weekend this year. A long weekend of fun in the mountains for all to enjoy.
We are going to spend another long weekend with our great hosts at the farm. Should be a group heading out from tidewater on Friday. I won’t be able to… Continue reading Penmerryl Fall Weekend
Don and Bonnie are graciously hosting the Christmas party again this year, Thanks Don and Bonnie! The usual format, club provides the protein and we all get to bring side… Continue reading BMWMCHR Christmas Party
Going back to the Eastern Shore this year. Keith will lead the ride. Show up at 9:30 and we’ll be ksu at 10:00am
Our annual ride to valentines post office to mail cards. KSU is 8:30am and the rain date will be 2/8. GPX Route File: https://bmwmchr.sharepoint.com/:u:/s/allcompany/ETFhxbJM_RFOldHNPetSmNMBwSnQQQuIb-50GdN6bxI1cA?e=WGTjCw